When you leave a job, you receive your last paycheck regardless of the reason. Being fired, quitting your job or leaving for any other circumstances requires that your last paycheck be paid on time. There are several federal and state laws that deal with last paychecks of certain employees. However, the laws might be different for employees who quit and employees who are fired by the employer. Employers may face severe consequences if they fail to comply with the laws that are in place.
Some states have their own statutes to deal with last paychecks issue to employees leaving the organization. These states do not follow federal laws. But there are some states that have no specific laws regarding this matter. These states always follow federal laws to deal with paycheck matters. According to federal law, employers must pay the last paycheck on the regular pay day regardless of when it arrives. If the pay day is after the employee leaves, they must still be paid.
There are some states which require employers to pay outgoing employees on the day of leaving. The reason for leaving has no effect on the day the salary is paid. Employers usually have time till the next business day to hand over paychecks.
If you have recently quit a job, or have been let go, you deserve to receive your last paycheck. It is important to discuss your situation with an experienced employment attorney. The attorney will elaborate the laws of your state and handle the situation accordingly.