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Discrimination complaint filed against Missouri station

| Jun 9, 2013 | Workplace Discrimination

A news anchor has filed a discrimination complaint against his former employer, a Missouri news station. The complaint was filed with the Missouri Commission on Human Rights and alleges that the news anchor suffered from workplace discrimination during the course of his employment with the station. His complaint states that after he pointed out discrepancies between his pay and the pay of his co-anchor he was treated differently at the station.

The news anchor’s complaint states that he was given less than optimal time slots after he pointed out the salary discrepancy. He also noticed that other employees that had less experience than him were given better time slots and were offered longer contracts. He was given a short-term contract that was only for 16 months.

The complaint further alleges that the news anchor was forced to read a statement about his problems with the IRS on air and that the statement that he was made to read was inaccurate. His problems with the IRS are what eventually led to his separation from the news station. He was released from his contract after he posted on the news station’s Facebook account about the IRS controversy and theorized that his IRS problems might stem from an interview that he had done with President Obama.

While the discrimination complaint focuses primarily on salary discrepancies and the news anchor’s problems with the IRS, the actual discrimination complaint is in regards to age discrimination. Discrimination suits usually need to be raised on a very specific basis, such as discrimination regarding gender, race, age and religion. Attorneys that specialize in workplace discrimination suits and employment law are often the best way for an employee to find out whether they have a valid discrimination complaint because discrimination complaints tend to be so complex.

Source: Fox 2 Now, “Larry Conners Files Discrimination Complaint Against Former Bosses“, Joe Millitzer, May 30, 2013
