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Missouri head-on collisions: Texting teen going to prison

| Jul 12, 2013 | Car Accidents

A teen, in Platte City, Missouri is heading to prison after she failed to follow the rules of her probation. The teen killed a 72-year-old woman last year due to texting while operating a vehicle, causing a tragic crash. Head on collisions, such as this one, are many times fatal. This one could have been avoided had the teen not made the decision to text while driving.

After being shown leniency in her involuntary manslaughter conviction, the teen violated the terms of her probation on several occasions. She was caught hosting a party in which alcohol was served while her parents were away. The teen was sentenced to a year in jail for that incident but allowed to leave jail for school on a daily basis. The teen then failed to attend after school tutoring sessions, and would skip class to go to Dairy Queen, instead of going back to jail after school, as ordered by the court.

Although her mother pleaded for leniency, the teen was sent to prison to complete her three and half year sentence. The Missouri prosecutor and victim’s family hope the teen will begin to take her punishment more seriously. Her mother has informed the court that she has just been making stupid kid mistakes.

Despite her mother’s defense, it appears the teen has not been taking her consequences seriously. While some car accidents result in dents and scratches, others — such as head on collisions — take lives. The criminal case has reached a conclusion and the teen will serve the prison sentence set forth by the court for her crime. A civil suit could also be filed by the victim’s family, and monetary compensation could be ordered by the court.

Source:, “Texting teen once shown leniency now headed to prison,” Sarah J. Clark, July 3, 2013
