Missouri consumers who enjoy a slice or two from one of the nation’s most popular pizza chains may be interested to learn of the following litigation.
A pizza delivery driver for Dominos has filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court, Eastern District of Missouri, against MBR Management Corporation. The corporation holds the franchise for about 63 pizza shops in both Illinois and Missouri. The suit alleges that the restaurants did not pay their pizza delivery drivers the federal hourly minimum wage.
The plaintiff in the case is seeking class action status, meaning that other delivery drivers employed by the same franchise over the past three years may opt-in if they choose to preserve their rights to a legal claim against MBR.
The plaintiff’s lawsuit alleges that the company violated the federal minimum hourly wage laws because it failed to fairly reimburse the pizza delivery drivers for their car expense. This failure to compensate the drivers for unreimbursed expenses associated with their job duties essentially reduced the drivers’ net wages below that of the minimum wage.
The two law firms representing the plaintiff are located in Kansas City and St. Louis.
Anyone who is earning only minimum wage understands how difficult it is to eke out a living on such a small paycheck. Employers who refuse to adequately compensate their employees for their work and the costs associated with it are in violation of the law. However, it can be daunting to stand up against a corporate behemoth and demand fair wages for your work. A Missouri employment law attorney is a good source of advice and guidance in such situations.
Source: The Lincoln County Journal, “Law suit against Dominos for failing to pay minimum wage to delivery drivers” Oct. 27, 2014