When celebrities, athletes and people in high-profile positions assert their rights, the media often jumps to attention to find every angle to explore. That is not necessarily a bad thing, as putting topics on the public agenda can bring awareness and open discussion concerning important issues. In recent weeks, two stories of oppression and harassment have been making waves in traditional and social media outlets throughout the country (and beyond.)
Colin Kaepernick decided to use his status as a platform to give others a voice in fighting social injustice. Other players are joining in, according to Fox Sports. A second story of note is the recent settlement between Fox News and former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson.
You Too Can Have A Voice To End Workplace Discrimination And Harassment
When news broke that the former Miss America filed a sexual harassment suit against the news organization, stories were somewhat confined to the immediate allegations. But the public discussion also grew. The cash settlement was accompanied by an apology, something that is rare in resolving harassment claims, according to a commentary piece carried by The Dallas Morning News.
Unfortunately, as this blog reported in August, many businesses try to resolve sexual harassment claims quietly – and internally. Often, employees who are victimized fear for their jobs, or do not know where to turn to get meaningful relief and justice for the harassment they have suffered. Individuals may not feel that they have any voice to stop the egregious conduct.
The recent story about Ms. Carlson drew attention to a problem that persists in Kansas City, as anywhere in the country. Many women feel powerless to address the issue. That may seem especially true among people who work in a small office, the service industry, or in other jobs that do not have the public stature of a professional football team or a national network.
Moreover, as the recent op-ed piece points out, it is not just about the money when women speak up – it is often more about getting the harassment to stop. Sexual harassment in the workplace is unlawful conduct. You do not need to work in a position that has a national stage to seek change, justice and an end to a hostile work environment. An experienced employment law attorney can guide you through the steps and help to have your voice heard in putting an end to the harassment.