According to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA), all employers must pay their employees on time. Sometimes employers find it difficult to send wages on time, which creates complications. The law gives employees the right to make a complaint against their employer in case such a situation occurs. It is likely that the court will ask the employer to pay wages on time and pay the amount that they owe immediately. The amount that the employer owes is often called ‘back pay.’ The process to report unpaid wages and recover back pay is fairly complicated, and all steps must be followed accurately.
When making a complaint according to FSLA, you must provide certain information. This information is not disclosed, and your identity is never revealed without your permission. The information required on the form includes:
- Filer’s name.
- Address.
- Phone number.
- Name of employer organization.
- Names of your managers.
- Your daily tasks.
- The dates on which you should have been paid.
Copies of your personal documents might also be required to make sure the process goes smoothly and takes as little time as possible. Once the complaint has been made, your employer cannot terminate you or take any action against you due to your filing.
Once the investigations are complete, the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) will help you in collecting your back pay. The WHD will oversee the payment of your back wages and make sure you receive the full amount. In case you do not feel that justice has been done, you have the right to file a lawsuit against your employer in court.
When filing a complaint according to FSLA, it is important to involve an experienced attorney. The attorney will help you file the complaint and receive back pay as well.