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A young man’s guide to sexual harassment in the workplace

| Mar 2, 2017 | Sexual Harassment

Often, it’s women who learn about sexual harassment and what to look out for, but men are the victims of harassment at work, too. As a young man, you have all the same rights as any other victim of sexual harassment. You can file a complaint with your human resources department if there is one at work, or you can talk to a supervisor about the coworker or person who is harassing you. Of course, if those steps don’t help, a lawsuit is a possibility.

Sexual harassment comes in a number of forms in the workplace. For example, a coworker making a joke about your sexual preferences or touching you without permission can be harassment. Here are a few other situations to watch out for.

  • Your boss requires sexual favors for promotions or as a condition of your employment.
  • If you reject a supervisor’s or boss’s advances, you risk your job.
  • A coworker constantly touches you or makes comments about your appearance that are of a sexual nature.

These are just a few situations you may come across that are grounds for a harassment claim.

There are other kinds of harassment that aren’t explicitly sexual in nature but still affect you due to your gender. Gender-based harassment includes situations in which a coworker or employer uses slurs or negative stereotypes in a way that impacts you. For example, saying you won’t be as good at a job simply due to the fact that you’re male is a gender-based harassment issue and discriminatory in nature.

More than one kind of harassment

In situations with gender-related harassment or sexual harassment, you have the right to move forward with a claim against your employer if he or she does not do anything to help the situation. In some cases, you may need to go through your human resources department or other services to address the situation first.

However, if you are injured or can’t go to work because of harassment, you’re in a situation that needs to be addressed immediately. You have the right to work in a safe environment free of harassment from other employees or employers. When sexual harassment takes place in the workplace, it creates a hostile environment that hurts you and others that it may affect.

Your attorney can help you file a lawsuit after you’re harassed in the workplace. It’s not your fault, and you may be able to receive compensation for all the pain and suffering you’ve been put through as well as for any lost wages due to being unable to work or being fired for refusing sexual activities.
