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What laws protect workers from racial discrimination

| Jul 3, 2018 | Workplace Discrimination

In the United States, all workers have a right to be treated fairly and equally, regardless of their disability, religion, nationality or race. Unfortunately, workers still have to deal with racial discrimination in the workplace as well as in many other settings. If you believe that you have suffered racial discrimination in the workplace, it is important that you know which laws are here to protect you and bring justice to employers who discriminate.

Once you are empowered with the knowledge of these laws, you may feel more confident about making a complaint about the discriminatory actions of your coworkers. Whistleblower protections mean that any worker making a complaint internally or externally is automatically protected from retaliatory action for a period after the complaint was made.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Equal Employment Opportunities title of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that it is unlawful to discriminate in the hiring or employment of a person based on gender, religion, race, color or nationality. This is an extremely important piece of legislation that holds many protections for people across the United States.

What does this law mean for different types of racial discrimination in the workplace?

The law means that it is unlawful for an employer or a worker to engage in racial discrimination in many different settings. For example, it is unlawful for an employer to refuse to hire an applicant, fail to promote an employee, or fire an employee based on that employee’s race. In addition, an employee can never be demoted, receive a reduction in pay, or be denied training based on his or her race. Any type of bullying or harassment that is racially motivated is also unlawful.

If you have been bullied, been subject to racial slurs or been subject to an environment where racist jokes were exchanged, this can constitute racial harassment and it should never be tolerated. Action can be taken by reporting such behavior directly to your supervisor, who has the responsibility to take the appropriate action. It is important to understand the law when it comes to your right to equality.
