Stalking is most commonly associated with cases of domestic violence. That is to say that many people think that stalking only takes place outside of workplace environments, and that it occurs as a result of a romantic relationship. While stalking is a common issue in domestic violence cases, it is also a problem in the workplace.
Stalking in the context of the workplace is a form of workplace harassment. Workplace harassment is any act of inappropriate behavior that is unwanted and that creates a hostile environment. Stalking is among the most threatening of harassing behaviors. When workers are stalked by a coworker, customer, vendor or another party associated with their job, they have a right to raise the issue and to have their concerns taken seriously.
How is stalking in the workplace defined?
If you are stalked at work or outside of work by any person with whom you have a professional relationship, it can constitute workplace harassment. Stalking can take many different forms. In fact, stalking does not even have to involve physical proximity in order for it to be considered harassment.
For example, many people have fallen victim to online stalking. This often shows up in the form of frequent messages on social media and on other websites. The person who is stalking you may even create multiple aliases in order to make it more difficult for you to block them and prohibit contact.
Many victims become fearful about their physical safety because of workplace stalking. It might be that you worry that a coworker will follow you home or watch where you go after work. Very often a person might start stalking another because they were rejected romantically by them or for other reasons such as envy or jealousy. Stalking is never acceptable under any circumstances. It is vital that you file a complaint as soon as you witness any behavior that constitutes stalking.
As a worker in the state of Missouri, you have legal protection from workplace harassment and stalking. It is important that you enforce your rights by taking legal action as soon as possible.