Every year in Missouri, workers lose their jobs for no reason at all, or even for extremely unfair or illegal reasons. Whatever the case, it is always a distressing experience. However, if you have been unfairly dismissed, the news may not all be bad, as you might be entitled to compensation.
In Springfield, a former fire captain has won $20,000 from Ozark Fire Protection District, after being refused spousal benefits. The benefits were refused on the grounds that the former captain was in a same-sex marriage. However, a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court has made it compulsory for all states to license and recognize the marriages of same-sex couples. The matter was dismissed after the District consented to making the $20,000 payment.
Standing up for your rights can often be daunting, especially as you may fear losing your job as a result. However, as the success of this woman shows, perseverance can really pay off. You should not have tolerate unfair treatment from your employer, or anyone else in your place of work. So if you suspect your rights have been breached in any way, it might be time to start thinking about making a compensation claim.
You do not need to handle these matters on your own, as an attorney may be able to provide advice on how best to structure your filing and any details you might need to include. He or she can also oversee the legal process as a whole and may be able to help ensure that you receive the fair settlement you deserve. In some cases, it may even be possible to be reinstated into your former position.
Source: KY3, “Ozark fire department will pay ex-captain who sued for same-sex spousal benefits,” Gene Hartley, Sep. 9, 2015