Organizations may be unethical and corrupt, but this does not mean every individual working for them has a part to play. Some employees expose wrongdoing at their organization by whistleblowing. Whistleblowing is the exposure of information to internal or external sources by an employee, which proves something illegal, unethical, fraudulent or corrupt is going on within the organization.
Whistleblowers may face strong retaliation from their employers. If it is an organization they are working for, they might face termination. They may also be deemed part of the crime that was committed, and be tried under the same charges as the people they have accused. This is why protection for whistleblowers becomes essential. Several laws have been passed to protect whistleblowers from retaliation.
The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 protects anyone who comes forward with vital information regarding misconduct in the government and its agencies. Due to this act, employees can provide information regarding wasted funds, violation of laws, abuse of authority, or any other illegal or unethical act. The Act prohibits agencies from taking any action against such employees. The U.S. government has continued to protect whistleblowers with protection laws like the ‘No FEAR Act’, and the ‘Freedom of Information Act.
It takes a lot of courage to stand up to an organization that you are a part of. It puts you in a difficult position, and makes you vulnerable to threats and lawsuits. It is important to contact an experienced attorney who understands whistle-blower protection laws. Your attorney may be able to guide you through the process and clarify all of your rights.