Although hernias are often associated with jobs that involve frequent, heavy lifting, anyone can suffer a hernia. A hernia is the result of pressure forcing an organ or other body tissue through a hole in the nearby muscle or connective tissue. Anything from pregnancy and obesity to constipation can result in hernias in some people. Hernias can get worse over time if not carefully treated.
In minor cases, surgery may not be needed. However, the patient will likely have a lifelong restriction on certain activities, such as heavy lifting. In most cases, the doctor involved in a hernia case will recommend a surgery. Unfortunately, while surgery is the only known treatment for a hernia, it does not have a universal success rate.
In fact, hernia mesh surgery failure can cause worsening symptoms, extreme pain and even secondary infections. Anyone who has had a mesh hernia surgery should monitor themselves for signs of mesh failure.
Infection and intense pain are common symptoms
Like any surgical procedure, a hernia repair performed with surgical mesh carries a risk of complications. Patients run the risk of infections and adverse reactions to both the surgical trauma and the anesthesia. However, the risk doesn’t end there.
In some cases, hernia mesh can begin to fail in the body, causing severe pain and infection symptoms. Other times, the process of installing the hernia mesh can cause nicks or damage to the surrounding tissue which can then become infected. Patients should be on the lookout for sharp pain or inflammation, especially after a few days have passed since the operation.
Additionally, they should monitor themselves for any signs of infection, such as fever. Finally, anyone who has had a wire mesh hernia surgery should do their best to avoid further damaging the area. That may include avoiding lifting or even taking stairs for many weeks after the surgery. If you suspect that you are experiencing complications, you should notify your doctor as soon as possible.
Hernia mesh failures can have long-term consequences for patients
Even if you notice the symptoms right away and avoid the worst potential complications, a hernia mesh failure is expensive, frustrating and likely painful. Patients typically have to undergo at least one, if not two, corrective surgeries after a hernia mesh failure. The hernia itself can also become worse, especially if the mesh used to replace the hernia tears out on its own.
In cases where the hernia mesh itself failed, it may be possible to hold the manufacturer responsible for the harm you suffered. For situations involving inadequate or improper applications of the hernia mesh, the surgeon or doctor involved may be legally responsible.
Talking with an attorney who understands the complicated nature of hernia mesh claims is a good first step toward getting the compensation you deserve after a botched repair surgery.