Most medications have at least a few known side effects. It is common for the side effects to range from mild issues, such as headache or nausea, to serious issues, such as debilitating pain, issues with motor function or even death. While many have touted the drug Invokana as revolutionary and beneficial for those with diabetes, the truth is far more complex.
Yes, the drug does help some people control their blood sugar and remain healthy despite developing type 2 diabetes. However, the drug has a number of dangerous side effects, including increasing the risk for leg amputation in the future. Patients can wind up suffering life-altering injuries because of this medication.
The FDA now requires warning labels on Invokana and similar drugs
Invokana, which is also sold and prescribed under the brand names Invokamet and Invokamet XR, as well as the generic name canagliflozin, is meant to help people control type 2 diabetes. When used in conjunction with diet and moderate exercise, it can help people with type 2 diabetes lower their overall blood sugar level.
Its primary function involves making the kidneys pull the sugar from the body and then excrete it through urine. Unfortunately, while the drug is effective, it also roughly doubles the risk of foot or leg amputations. Medical studies have verified this risk, moving the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to require warning labels on the boxes. In other words, physicians should take great care to inform their patients of the increased risk of foot or leg amputation that comes with an Invokana prescription.
Depending on circumstances, you may have the right to take action
If you experienced debilitating side effects related to Invokana, whether you developed ketoacidosis (which could endanger your life) or lost a foot or leg to amputation, it is fair to question whether you were properly made aware of the danger. Depending on circumstances, there are two main parties that may share liability for your medication-related injury.
If your doctor failed to adequately warn you about the risks of the drug or to screen you for complications that would increase your risk for amputation while taking the drug, that may be grounds for a medical malpractice claim against your physician. In the event that your doctor did warn you of the risk, you may still have grounds to hold the drug company itself accountable for making and marketing such a dangerous medication.
The first step toward determining if you have the right to seek compensation will involve speaking with an experienced personal injury attorney. Patients in Missouri who get injured by the drug Invokana have rights, but they must educate themselves about it in order to assert them.