Notice - Implantable Port Catheter Litigation, MDL No. 3081

The above multi-district litigation consolidates lawsuits that have been filed throughout the country and allege similar claims. The Implantable Port Catheter Litigation has been consolidated in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona. The ultimate issues and outcomes of the litigation will be determined by the judge and/or juries with each party having the opportunity to present legal arguments and evidence in support or in defense of the claims.

For clarification, Power Port, Slim Port, and MRI Implantable Port each refer to several vascular access devices, and not one specific device. Any recall in March of 2021 involving the Power Port Duo MRI Implantable Port was a voluntary recall by the company. The recall pertained to a limited number of lots of the PowerPoint Duo MRI Implantable Port and was not a result of catheter degradation, fracture migration, or infection issues.

Holman Schiavone, LLC Blog​

We fight for victims’ full and fair recovery in employment law, harassment, sexual abuse and personal injury cases.

What Is the Most Common Type of Gender Discrimination?

Discrimination in the workplace is still very common, despite numerous state and federal statutes that exist to protect workers from unfair treatment. Discrimination occurs when an individual is targeted because of his or her race, physical ability, sex, or another

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Were You Laid Off or Fired Due to Ageism?

Ageism is increasingly common as the largest generation of workers gets closer to retirement. Every year, companies seek to bring fresh energy to their businesses, and often they do this by laying off or firing employees who they deem too

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What Does Sexual Harassment Look Like?

Our attorneys understand that sexual harassment is a serious issue that can be extremely damaging, both on psychological and physiological levels. It can occur in any setting, including the workplace, a school, a church, or another kind of institution. The

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Was Your Employment Terminated Right Before Vesting?

Most companies seek to maximize their profits by keeping their expenses down. Unfortunately, their efforts to cut costs sometimes come at the expense of employees who have worked hard for them. If you believe your employer fired you to avoid

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How to Gather Evidence of Discrimination in the Workplace

Discrimination in the workplace is an egregious practice that can harm a person’s ability to support themselves and fully pursue their career. If you have been discriminated against, an employment discrimination attorney in Jackson County, Missouri can help you prove

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What Constitutes Gender Discrimination in the Workplace?

Discrimination in the workplace can limit your job opportunity and earning ability, so it’s important to seek justice for yourself if you believe you’re a victim of gender discrimination in Jackson County, Missouri. When you believe you’re a victim of

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9 Questions to Ask an Employment Lawyer at Your First Meeting

A job loss, demotion, or other concern can be emotionally and financially devastating, especially when illegal practices are involved. As you prepare for the future and consider your next steps, you should consult with an attorney in Jackson County, Missouri.

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A woman looking over her shoulder as a male co-worker grabs it.

What Is the Average Settlement for Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?

If you’ve been sexually harassed at work, you could be entitled to compensation. However, the amount you can receive varies based on factors that affect the viability of your case...
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A man and woman at the start line in racing positions and the woman is starting further behind.

5 Ways a Gender Discrimination Attorney Can Help You

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a trailblazer for gender discrimination, and in the years since she won her first gender discrimination case, there have been significant advancements in the legal field...
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Do You Have a Case? 7 Signs You Should Talk to a Wrongful Termination Lawyer

No one ever wants to get fired from a job, but it’s even worse when you may have been wrongfully terminated. In Missouri, there are certain signs that your employer...
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A paper with terms of employment on it.

What Does an Employment Lawyer Do?

Employment law can be extremely complicated, as it encompasses a variety of legal services for both employees and employers. So, what does an employment lawyer do? They do just about...
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How gender roles in housework could impact your promotion

Women have made incredible gains in both educational access and workplace rights in recent decades. Women workers can bring advanced degrees and years of hard-earned experience to the table when...
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These injuries are common in serious car accidents

Serious car accidents can lead to serious injuries. And if you find yourself in this position, you’re sure to have concerns about your health and the long-term effect of the...
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Can religious organizations discriminate when hiring?

You’re looking for a new job, and you find a job as a secretary. You’re well-qualified, so you apply, but then you don’t get the job. They tell you that...
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How to identify sexual harassment in the workplace

It can be challenging to build and maintain positive relations in the workplace. You want to be friendly with the people you work with and to build rapport so that...
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What happens if your hernia mesh procedure fails?

People often push their bodies past what they are capable of doing. This is an issue that particularly affects older adults and those who perform physical labor as part of...
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Are you concerned about retaliation after sexual harassment?

If you’re a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, it’s a good idea to report the incident to your HR department. Doing so ensures that your complaint is formally...
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Employers sometimes hide discrimination as downsizing

Federal law prohibits employers from discriminating against employees based on certain protected characteristics. Gender, religion, race, national origin and age for those over 45 are all personal factors that should...
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Your employer shouldn't punish you for needing FMLA leave

When you take a job with a company, your employer agrees to compensate you for the time and labor that you offered them. The work that you do may be...
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A fatal car crash has a lasting impact on families

There is no doubt that a car crash of any kind will impact a family. It’s scary, and the trauma can be severe. With fatal crashes, a family may have...
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Overcoming age discrimination in your job search

Most older job candidates can claim a wide variety of work experiences and an impressive depth of knowledge. Unfortunately for those looking for work in their 50s and 60s, managers...
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Religious discrimination and job interviews

Job interviews can be stressful. Whether they take place over the phone or in person, you’ll want to do whatever you can to make the best impression. It’s likely that...
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What are the laws of pre-employment sexual harassment?

While it’s common knowledge that all employees are protected from discrimination, sexual harassment and non-sexual harassment in the workplace, many do not realize that those who are applying for jobs...
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What does data suggest about workplace fairness?

When you looked for your last job, you probably considered factors such as the amount of money you could earn, the average commute time and the possibility to advance within...
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What is cyberbullying and how can it be stopped?

Bullying is a serious problem for students, but not all adults see cyberbullying as an issue. For certain children, the online bullying is worse than if it happened in person...
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What wages are hourly employees due in Missouri?

Workers in Missouri should expect that they will be paid appropriately by their employers. Laws are in place to help protect their ability to do this. As of 2020, the...
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Hernia mesh complications can lead to fatalities

When you were struggling with a hernia, you thought you had no choice but to go through surgery. You had a surgical hernia mesh implanted, and that helped for a...
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