Notice - Implantable Port Catheter Litigation, MDL No. 3081

The above multi-district litigation consolidates lawsuits that have been filed throughout the country and allege similar claims. The Implantable Port Catheter Litigation has been consolidated in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona. The ultimate issues and outcomes of the litigation will be determined by the judge and/or juries with each party having the opportunity to present legal arguments and evidence in support or in defense of the claims.

For clarification, Power Port, Slim Port, and MRI Implantable Port each refer to several vascular access devices, and not one specific device. Any recall in March of 2021 involving the Power Port Duo MRI Implantable Port was a voluntary recall by the company. The recall pertained to a limited number of lots of the PowerPoint Duo MRI Implantable Port and was not a result of catheter degradation, fracture migration, or infection issues.

Holman Schiavone, LLC Blog​

We fight for victims’ full and fair recovery in employment law, harassment, sexual abuse and personal injury cases.

How Can You Prove Sexual Harassment?

Unfortunately, sexual harassment is still common, even in the 21st century; and while it’s true that this type of harassment happens most often to women, it can and does happen to men in Missouri, as well. Anyone can be a

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When Should You Call an Employment Lawyer?

Every employee has the right to a safe workplace, a reasonable boss, and fair compensation for the work they complete. Unfortunately, some employers take advantage of their workers or mistreat them. In such situations, an employment lawyer local to Missouri

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10 Things Your Employer Can’t Legally Do

Employers in every sector of the economy in Missouri have a certain set of laws and regulations that they must abide by in order to foster a safe work environment for their employees. If you know of an employer engaging

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How Can a Gender Discrimination Lawyer Help You?

Have you experienced gender discrimination in your workplace? Are you seeking representation from a qualified Missouri gender discrimination lawyer? Here’s how our team at Holman Schiavone Employment Law & Personal Injury in Missouri can help. How Can a Gender Discrimination

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How Can You Prove Gender Discrimination?

Some people may not believe it, but gender discrimination continues today, from California to Missouri to Virginia. Around the world, to be frank. Such discrimination violates an individual’s civil rights and should be brought to justice. And the best way

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What Qualifies as “Employment Discrimination” in Missouri?

Discrimination in the workplace is unfortunately very common in America, and the state of Missouri has one of the highest percentages of reported discrimination cases in the nation. However, because workplace discrimination is typically underreported, there are many more cases

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Woman wins $6 million in discrimination suit

Everyone should be judged on their jobs by the quality of their work. Unfortunately, in far too many instances, managerial biases and prejudices exert unfair influence over the hiring and...
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5 steps to take after workplace discrimination

If you feel that you’ve been a victim of discrimination in the workplace, it’s critical to learn more about your legal rights and the steps you can take to protect...
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Examples of age discrimination in the workplace

Age discrimination can be difficult to identify and to prove. You may have a suspicion that your age has held you back from progressing in your career, but you may...
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Fighting against workplace discrimination as a Muslim

Your choice of religion should never have an impact on your experiences and opportunities in the workplace. This is a right that is protected through Title VII of the Civil...
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How to break through a glass ceiling at work

A glass ceiling in the workplace isn’t something you can actually see. Instead, it’s the invisible and difficult-to-break-down barrier that keeps individuals, such as women and minorities, from rising through...
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What are the most common forms of workplace retaliation?

As an employee, you hope to work in a healthy environment at all times. Unfortunately, there are times when this isn’t the case, such as if a supervisor or company...
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Why do people bully others?

When you think of a classic bully, odds are you think of that cliche high school offender. Maybe it’s someone from the football team bullying a member of the band...
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The most common type of workplace discrimination

Workplace discrimination can take many different forms. Some workers find that they are unable to thrive in their workplace because they are discriminated against due to disability, age or race...
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Hernia mesh: A potentially dangerous material

If you’ve suffered an injury that has resulted in a hernia, one thing that surgeons may try is to help you heal with a hernia mesh implant. The trouble is...
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Initiating a civil sexual assault lawsuit

Sadly, sexual assault is something that still occurs frequently across the United States. Those aged between 12 and 34 have the highest risk of being subjected to this type of...
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Litigation analysis of hernia mesh medical malpractice claims

Hernias are relatively common, and they can occur in many different parts of the body. Because of the problems that can arise from hernias and the pain that they can...
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Recognizing the signs of bullying at work

Bullying can happen to anyone at any age. Often, there is an assumption that bullying only affects school-age children, but this is simply not the case. Many workers across the...
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Your body might reject your implanted hernia mesh

Surgeries can repair specific issues in your body while giving rise to other concerns. After a hernia mesh surgery, you may worry about common complications such as the mesh detaching...
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Is your child being bullied at school? Take these steps.

In the school districts of Kansas City, like with others around the country, bullying is a problem for many students. Recent studies have shown that as many as 73% of...
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Understanding the possible effects of Invokana medication

Those who suffer from type 2 diabetes will deal with many challenges to their health. One of the biggest problems they will face is effectively managing their blood sugar levels...
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Harassment is pervasive in the service industry

Harassment and discrimination should never be tolerated in the workplace, and all workers have the right to be free from experiencing such behavior. However, it is an unfortunate fact that...
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Understanding the signs of religious harassment

We should all have the right to hold religious beliefs without fear of repercussions in the workplace. Your ability to carry out your work and perform well is not impacted...
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Your right to privacy in the workplace

As human beings, we naturally want to keep some aspects of our life private. In our personal lives, we have many rights to privacy. For example, we have the right...
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Recognizing gender discrimination at work

You have the right to work in an environment that treats you fairly and equally, regardless of your gender, race or religion. These rights are laid out in the Civil...
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Don't stand for employers making decisions based on age

With age should come wisdom, and many people are taught from a young age to respect their elders. Despite that, many older workers face age discrimination on the job. Ageism...
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