Notice - Implantable Port Catheter Litigation, MDL No. 3081

The above multi-district litigation consolidates lawsuits that have been filed throughout the country and allege similar claims. The Implantable Port Catheter Litigation has been consolidated in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona. The ultimate issues and outcomes of the litigation will be determined by the judge and/or juries with each party having the opportunity to present legal arguments and evidence in support or in defense of the claims.

For clarification, Power Port, Slim Port, and MRI Implantable Port each refer to several vascular access devices, and not one specific device. Any recall in March of 2021 involving the Power Port Duo MRI Implantable Port was a voluntary recall by the company. The recall pertained to a limited number of lots of the PowerPoint Duo MRI Implantable Port and was not a result of catheter degradation, fracture migration, or infection issues.

Holman Schiavone, LLC Blog​

We fight for victims’ full and fair recovery in employment law, harassment, sexual abuse and personal injury cases.

How Can I Find a Good Gender Discrimination Attorney?

Experiencing gender discrimination within the workplace can lead to emotional and financial setbacks, and whether you faced blatant harassment, unequal pay, or unfair firing based on your sex, you should take steps to protect your rights. Taking on your employer

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What Damages Can I Recover in a Sexual Harassment Case?

Anyone who has experienced sexual harassment in the workplace has the right to pursue legal action to recover damages. These damages are intended to compensate the victim for the harm suffered and to penalize the wrongdoer, and your Jackson County,

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8 Examples of Wrongful Termination

In Jackson County, Missouri, employment is generally considered “at-will,” meaning employers have broad discretion to terminate employees without having to provide a justification. However, this at-will doctrine has limitations. Several specific circumstances may render a termination illegal and give you

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10 Rights You Have as an Employee

As an employee in Missouri, you have a fundamental right to a safe and fair work environment. Knowing your rights under federal and Missouri employment law empowers you to navigate the workplace with confidence and address any potential concerns proactively;

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How Can I Prove Wrongful Termination?

In the state of Missouri, employment is typically “at will.” This means that an employer can terminate an employee for any reason or no reason at all, as long as the reason is not illegal. However, there are situations where

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Did You Suffer a Personal Injury at Work?

When you sustain a personal injury at work, questions arise quickly, like “how does Missouri law protect you?” “Who can be held accountable?” “What are your rights?” Employment lawyers in Jackson County, Missouri can help you with the path forward.

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9 Situations That Could Be Considered Wrongful Termination

Getting fired can be part of life: sometimes companies go under, have to downsize, or need to get rid of a poorly performing employee for legitimate reasons. But sometimes, a job dismissal breaches professional ethics and violates state and federal

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Recovering Damages for Lost Wages in a Sexual Harassment Case

When someone faces sexual harassment at work, the emotional, psychological, and physical toll can be immense. In the midst of all that emotional upheaval, one aspect of the burden can...
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Ask a Sexual Abuse Lawyer: Is a Company Liable for the Actions of an Independent Contractor?

Determining the extent of a company’s liability, especially in cases involving sexual abuse, can be very challenging, and you can expect companies to put up a robust defense. If you’ve...
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You are fired written on a post it note on top of a keyboard.

What Is the Burden of Proof in a Wrongful Termination Case?

When an employee feels they have been unjustly dismissed from their position, they have the responsibility of proving the unjust nature of the termination. In this context, “burden of proof”...
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A man inappropriately has his hands on the shoulders of a female co-workers.

What to Do if an Employer Fails to Take Action After Sexual Harassment

A sexual harassment lawyer in Jackson County, Missouri will often find themselves guiding individuals through the painful dilemma of workplace sexual harassment. You should know that if your employer fails...
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A paper with pregnancy and maternity discrimination printed across the top.

How Long Do I Have To File a Pregnancy Discrimination Lawsuit?

If you find yourself facing pregnancy discrimination in the workplace, it’s essential to be aware of the legal time limits, known as statutes of limitations, for filing a pregnancy discrimination...
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A stop sign with a hand displaying the word stop.

What Should I Do if I Am Wrongfully Accused of Sexual Harassment?

When you’ve been wrongfully accused of sexual harassment, nothing is more important than to protect your rights and reputation. An employee rights attorney in Jackson County, Missouri can help you...
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The words discrimination crossed out.

What Is the EEOC and How Does It Affect Workplace Discrimination Cases?

In the 2022 fiscal year, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received 73,485 new discrimination charges, a 20% increase from the 2021 fiscal year. This increase shows that discrimination in the...
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Retaliation written on a post it note.

My Employer Is Retaliating Against Me for Reporting Discrimination: What Should I Do?

When workers take steps to defend their protected rights in the workplace, some employers respond poorly. In 2022, the most common charge filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)...
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Wrongful termination paperwork.

How Can I Prepare for a Wrongful Termination Case?

Losing your job can be a very upsetting experience. If you suspect you were fired for unfair or wrongful reasons, you may be able to win compensation with a wrongful...
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A judge looking over paperwork.

Can I File a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Anonymously?

In an ideal world, each individual would enjoy their fundamental right to a secure, respectful, and inclusive environment. Yet, reality often diverges from this ideal, and you may be wondering...
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Rows of cutout white paper, cut as people holding hands with a red colored person in the center.

What Types of Discrimination Are Prohibited by Law?

A number of different types of discrimination are prohibited by law, and here in Jackson County, Missouri, you are protected by both federal and state regulations. Contact an employee rights...
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A bubble of words related to discrimination and bullying.

What Are the Steps to Filing a Workplace Discrimination Claim?

Workplace discrimination can affect your life and career, and it’s not something you should just let go. If you believe that you have been discriminated against in the workplace, it...
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Can I Recover Damages for Emotional Distress in a Sexual Harassment Case?

It is often possible to recover damages for emotional distress in a sexual harassment case in Jackson County, Missouri. A sexual harassment attorney is your best resource when you’re bringing...
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A pregnant woman sitting at her desk talking on a cell phone.

Can I File a Workplace Discrimination Lawsuit If I Was Discriminated Against Based on My Pregnancy?

If you believe your employer has discriminated against you because of your pregnancy, you can file a workplace discrimination lawsuit against them. Such unfair treatment might include refusal to hire...
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Have You Experienced Discrimination Because of Your Religious Beliefs?

Religious tolerance is a fundamental American value that is reflected in labor laws that regulate employment in the state of Missouri and in the rest of the nation. While discriminating...
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What Is “Retaliation” in the Workplace?

Throughout the United States and in Missouri, employment laws exist to protect employees in the workplace. Your employer is responsible for taking measures to ensure that your environment is free...
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Sexual Harassment written in red.

What Are the Odds of Winning a Sexual Harassment Case?

Sexual harassment cases remain pervasive in Jackson County, MI, yet victims are often subject to numerous obstacles before they can secure a legal victory. Due to the existence of such...
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Can You Keep Your Health Insurance While Fighting a Wrongful Termination?

Competitive health benefits are an essential part of any full-time compensation package, often motivating individuals to choose one job over another. What happens to those benefits, however, when your employment...
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A chalkboard with Know Your Rights written on it.

What Kind of Settlement Can You Get for a Wrongful Termination?

When you have worked hard to build your career and secure your job, being wrongfully terminated by your employer can feel devastating. If you were fired illegally, you should know...
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A gold scale.

5 Situations Where You Need an Employment Attorney

While it is hoped that you will never face any form of harassment or discrimination in the workplace, there are certain situations in which having an attorney can be invaluable...
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