In the realm of personal injury law, evidence plays a pivotal role. Compiling robust evidence is the cornerstone to establishing liability, quantifying damages, and securing the full compensation you rightfully deserve. At our practice, Holman Schiavone, LLC in Kansas City, MO, we are committed to guiding you and supporting you as you pursue a legal victory.

The Types of Evidence Used to Prove Damages in Personal Injury Claims

When navigating the complex waters of a personal injury case, certain types of evidence have a high impact. The crux of any personal injury claim are liability and damages. Establishing liability involves proving that the other party’s negligence caused the accident. On the other hand, demonstrating damages involves presenting concrete evidence of the injuries and losses you’ve suffered as a result of the accident.

Physical evidence, such as photographs from the scene of the accident, can be instrumental in proving the circumstances under which the accident occurred. If you were involved in a car accident, for instance, pictures of the damaged vehicles, the surrounding area, and any visible injuries can bolster your case. Furthermore, a police report can provide an unbiased account of the incident, making it a crucial piece of evidence.

What Evidence Do You Need for a Personal Injury Case?

Medical Records 

Medical records are arguably the most important evidence in a personal injury case, providing a detailed account of your injuries and the treatment you’ve received. They contain information about your visits to healthcare providers, diagnoses, prescribed treatments, and any ongoing treatment needed.

Your medical bills also serve as proof of the financial implications of your injuries. One of our experienced attorneys can help you evaluate the medical evidence that you have to best utilize it for the success of your case.


Furthermore, in a personal injury case, proof of lost wages is essential. If your injuries forced you to take time off work, documentation from your employer detailing the time lost and wages missed can contribute to your claim for lost income.

If you can prove and establish fault with the other party, with enough evidence, you may be entitled to financial compensation for all your lost wages as well as potential overtime, raises, and other missed opportunities. Only a qualified lawyer can help you maximize your compensation, however, and get what you deserve for all you’ve lost out on through an accident.


Finally, witness testimony can be invaluable. Individuals who saw the accident occur can provide statements that affirm your account of the event. A qualified attorney can help make the most of witness statements and even work to convince reluctant witnesses to come forward.

In some cases, expert testimony might also be necessary. For example, an accident reconstruction expert can testify about how the accident happened based on the available physical evidence. Again, an attorney has access to experts in many fields and can call on them to come help you prove your case.

Surveillance and Dashcam Footage

In our tech-driven world, the chances of an accident being caught on video are higher than ever. Surveillance cameras from nearby businesses or street intersections may have recorded the incident, serving as unbiased observers.

If you or other drivers involved in the accident had dashcams, this footage might be pivotal in your personal injury claim. This kind of visual evidence can reinforce your account of the event, clarify discrepancies, and help your experienced attorney to establish liability.

Impact of Future Medical Expenses

Sometimes, injuries sustained in an accident necessitate ongoing treatment. In such cases, your future medical expenses become a key point in your claim.

Expert medical professionals may be needed to provide their opinion on the anticipated costs of future medical care, therapies, and any necessary medical equipment. This testimony is crucial evidence in proving the severity of your injury.

Driver’s License and Vehicle Registration Documents

Documentation related to the accident can be a valuable part of your evidence portfolio in a personal injury claim. The driver’s license details of the other drivers involved in the accident, their vehicle registration details, and their insurance information can all play a key role in establishing liability.

Leveraging the Impact of Medical Evidence in Personal Injury Cases

Medical evidence forms the backbone of any personal injury claim. It substantiates the injuries sustained and provides a basis for calculating the medical expenses related to your injuries. Remember, after an accident, seeking medical attention should be your top priority, not just for your health, but also for your case.

The key information in your medical records that can make a difference in a personal injury claim include the initial diagnosis, the prescribed medical treatment, and notes on your progress and recovery. 

Further medical evidence, like X-rays, CT scans, test results, and doctors’ notes, can validate your injuries and aid in proving their severity. Your medical records also document the extent of your physical therapy, if required, and shed light on any future medical expenses.

The Statute of Limitations on Injury Claims in Missouri

It’s also crucial to remember that in Missouri, the law sets a time limit on filing personal injury claims. Known as the statute of limitations, this limit means you have five years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. Failing to file within this period will likely result in the court refusing to hear your case. Thus, it’s important to begin gathering evidence and start your claim process as soon as possible.

An experienced personal injury lawyer from our practice can work with you to ensure that you understand each and every deadline before it’s too late to receive the fair compensation you deserve.

Insurance Companies and Your Medical Records

When discussing medical evidence, it’s important to consider the role of the insurance company in compensating you for your medical expenses. In Missouri, insurance companies have specific rights and limitations regarding access to your medical records.

These companies may request access to your medical records to assess the validity of your claim and the extent of your injuries. However, they should only receive information pertinent to your case. 

An experienced personal injury attorney from our esteemed practice can help ensure that your privacy is protected while providing the necessary evidence to support your claim.

The Role of a Personal Injury Attorney

The role of a personal injury attorney from our practice extends beyond just providing legal advice. They can help gather evidence, assess its value, and formulate a strategy that aligns with your case’s specifics. We understand the importance of establishing a solid foundation of evidence to negotiate with insurance adjusters effectively, ensuring you seek full compensation for your injuries.

Moreover, one of our experienced personal injury lawyers can guide you through the complex web of legal requirements and processes, from respecting the statute of limitations in Missouri to helping you understand your rights regarding your medical records.

If you were involved in an accident and are unsure of how to proceed with your case,, or call us at 816-330-2253 to schedule a free consultation with one of our legal expats. We are committed to ensuring that no obstacle stands between you and the justice that you deserve.