Notice - Implantable Port Catheter Litigation, MDL No. 3081

The above multi-district litigation consolidates lawsuits that have been filed throughout the country and allege similar claims. The Implantable Port Catheter Litigation has been consolidated in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona. The ultimate issues and outcomes of the litigation will be determined by the judge and/or juries with each party having the opportunity to present legal arguments and evidence in support or in defense of the claims.

For clarification, Power Port, Slim Port, and MRI Implantable Port each refer to several vascular access devices, and not one specific device. Any recall in March of 2021 involving the Power Port Duo MRI Implantable Port was a voluntary recall by the company. The recall pertained to a limited number of lots of the PowerPoint Duo MRI Implantable Port and was not a result of catheter degradation, fracture migration, or infection issues.

Holman Schiavone, LLC Blog​

We fight for victims’ full and fair recovery in employment law, harassment, sexual abuse and personal injury cases.

Common signs of age discrimination in the workplace

Job applicants and employees should be judged by employers based purely on their merits for a specific role. This means that irrelevant factors such as age, race, national origin, gender or sexual orientation should never be considered. While there are

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Why do people bully others?

When you think of a classic bully, odds are you think of that cliche high school offender. Maybe it’s someone from the football team bullying a member of the band or the chess club. Maybe it’s a larger child bullying

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How to break through a glass ceiling at work

A glass ceiling in the workplace isn’t something you can actually see. Instead, it’s the invisible and difficult-to-break-down barrier that keeps individuals, such as women and minorities, from rising through the ranks of the corporate ladder. Despite the proper qualifications,

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Fighting against workplace discrimination as a Muslim

Your choice of religion should never have an impact on your experiences and opportunities in the workplace. This is a right that is protected through Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Everyone has a personal standpoint when

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5 steps to take after workplace discrimination

If you feel that you’ve been a victim of discrimination in the workplace, it’s critical to learn more about your legal rights and the steps you can take to protect them. Despite federal and state laws in place to protect

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Examples of age discrimination in the workplace

Age discrimination can be difficult to identify and to prove. You may have a suspicion that your age has held you back from progressing in your career, but you may also feel unsure of whether you were discriminated against. Age

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The most common type of workplace discrimination

Workplace discrimination can take many different forms. Some workers find that they are unable to thrive in their workplace because they are discriminated against due to disability, age or race. However, the most common form of workplace discrimination is due

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Your body might reject your implanted hernia mesh

Surgeries can repair specific issues in your body while giving rise to other concerns. After a hernia mesh surgery, you may worry about common complications such as the mesh detaching and the hernia recurring. People will also monitor themselves closely

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Hotel allegedly exploited workers; violated wage laws

There are laws are in place to protect the rights of workers in Missouri and throughout the country. These wage laws ensure that employees get paid properly and are afforded...
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Wrongful termination issues addressed in Missouri Senate

When someone is fired in Missouri or elsewhere around the country, his or her first reaction may be to sue the former employer. But there are many instances when a...
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A young man's guide to sexual harassment in the workplace

Often, it’s women who learn about sexual harassment and what to look out for, but men are the victims of harassment at work, too. As a young man, you have...
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Fox News settled sexual harassment claim against Bill O’Reilly

Fox News seems incapable of escaping the revolving door of sexual harassment allegations against prominent executives and personalities. Earlier last year it was the infamous Roger Ailes, head of Fox...
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Exploring Uber's infamous workplace culture

Many Silicon Valley companies are notorious for their workaholic employees, insane pressure, and demands on employees. Amazon is routinely criticized for demanding extreme commitment from its employees, even to the...
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Disability discrimination basics

The Federal government prohibits employers from discriminating their employees on the basis of race, religion, sex or disability. Disability discrimination is the unfair treatment towards a person because of their...
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"Fight for 15" does not include service workers

The “Fight for 15” was a nationwide push to raise minimum wages to $15 an hour. It was largely successful, states and cities across the country are raising their minimum...
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The history of workers? compensation explained

Prior to the creation of workers? compensation, employees were left with few options if they suffered an injury on the job. They could try and negotiate a settlement with their...
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The basics of non-compete agreements

Did you sign an employment contract or manual? If you did, you could be subject to a non-compete agreement. Non-compete agreements are controversial contracts that are used by companies to...
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The basics of workers’ compensation, Part 1

Workers’ compensation was pioneered about a hundred years ago. Workers’ compensation was conceived as a way to reduce costs on employers and speed up compensation for employees. This post will...
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An overview of the Labor Secretary nominee

President Trump announced his selection for Labor Secretary (head of the Department of Labor) back in December of 2016. But it is only recently that the country has taken a...
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Can you be fired for taking a sick day?

Sick days, unlike vacation days, are paid days off for unexpected absences. Vacation or “paid time off” is schedule with HR and coordinated with your team. Sick days are unexpected...
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5 things not to do regarding workplace bullying

In all of the cliches, bullying happens in middle school. The bully is the bigger kid taking the smaller kid’s lunch money or the football jock picking on the kids...
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Review of mandatory employee arbitration clauses

A trend in employment contracts is to force employees to waive their rights to court, to file class actions, and other retaliatory actions. Instead, most of these contracts force employees...
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Missouri settlement revealed in DOC-discrimination case

The Missouri Department of Corrections (DOC) has issued its latest settlement to settle allegations of harassment, lewd comments, vulgarity, and debasing behavior. This latest settlement, for $165,625, is the latest...
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4 things you should do after sexual harassment at work

Sexual harassment at work is a troublesome occurrence that can impact you emotionally, physically and mentally. Your mind might be so full of thoughts because of the harassment that you...
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Do you have to notify your employer if you are pregnant?

Pregnancy is an exciting time for a new mother and expecting family. You are on the verge of entering a brave new world as you welcome a new life. Unfortunately...
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Fashion and free speech: the employer dress code

At first, it may sound like a ridiculous problem, suing your employer for not allowing you keep your dreadlocks. But the matter was sufficiently serious that it went all the...
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Mine deaths drop in 2016, another year of progress

Mines have enjoyed decades of dramatically improved safety and 2016 was no exception. Mines were once one of the most dangerous places to work. Explosions, cave-ins, and fatalities were common...
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What questions are allowed during an interview

Employers usually ask many different questions during interviews to analyze the nature of the candidate. Previously these questions were of a wide variety, but recently laws have been made to...
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