Notice - Implantable Port Catheter Litigation, MDL No. 3081

The above multi-district litigation consolidates lawsuits that have been filed throughout the country and allege similar claims. The Implantable Port Catheter Litigation has been consolidated in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona. The ultimate issues and outcomes of the litigation will be determined by the judge and/or juries with each party having the opportunity to present legal arguments and evidence in support or in defense of the claims.

For clarification, Power Port, Slim Port, and MRI Implantable Port each refer to several vascular access devices, and not one specific device. Any recall in March of 2021 involving the Power Port Duo MRI Implantable Port was a voluntary recall by the company. The recall pertained to a limited number of lots of the PowerPoint Duo MRI Implantable Port and was not a result of catheter degradation, fracture migration, or infection issues.

Holman Schiavone, LLC Blog​

We fight for victims’ full and fair recovery in employment law, harassment, sexual abuse and personal injury cases.

Can I take legal action for school bullying?

Dealing with a situation in which your child is being bullied at school can be an extremely upsetting experience. You will naturally want to do everything you can to protect your child from such negative and abusive behavior. However, you

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Some key signs of workplace discrimination

If you are having a hard time at work because of rude or abusive coworkers (or management), you may be wondering what you did wrong to deserve such treatment. It is possible that you have spent a lot of time

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Invokana could increase your risk of a leg amputation

Most medications have at least a few known side effects. It is common for the side effects to range from mild issues, such as headache or nausea, to serious issues, such as debilitating pain, issues with motor function or even

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Workplace harassment can sometimes look like bullying

Workplace discrimination and harassment can take many different forms. In some companies, it may look like an abject refusal to hire individuals of a specific racial background, religion or gender. The person in charge of making hiring or termination decisions

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Watch carefully for signs of hernia mesh complications

Although hernias are often associated with jobs that involve frequent, heavy lifting, anyone can suffer a hernia. A hernia is the result of pressure forcing an organ or other body tissue through a hole in the nearby muscle or connective

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4 types of in-school bullying

Are you worried that your child is getting bullied at school? When this happens, it can put your child in very real physical danger. It can also lead to issues like depression, falling grades and isolation. As common as bullying

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Some industries suffer from higher levels of discrimination

Any employee in the United States can be subjected to discrimination in some form or another, and there are protections in place to deal with this discrimination. However, some industries are disproportionately affected. The service industry is one of these

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Understanding forms of sexual harassment in the workplace

Federal law has prohibited sexual harassment in the workplace for decades. However, harassment continues to be a problem in many work environments throughout the Kansas City area. You may understand...
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Recognizing some of the more subtle signs of discrimination

It is no secret that discrimination in the workplace is prohibited under federal and Missouri laws. When egregious acts of discrimination are allowed on the job — whether in an...
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Dealing with sexual harassment at the workplace

Most harassment victims feel powerless and find it difficult to protect themselves. The victims are often told that they must accept the situation and tolerate it. Sexual harassment at the...
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Protection for whistleblowers in the United States

Organizations may be unethical and corrupt, but this does not mean every individual working for them has a part to play. Some employees expose wrongdoing at their organization by whistleblowing...
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Closure is not always easy after fatal drunk driving accidents

Closure could be elusive to those who have lost loved ones in the thousands of car crashes that happen each year across the country, including many that occur here in...
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Have you been wrongfully terminated?

Wrongful termination is the termination of an employee’s contract that violates the contract itself or employment laws. The contract is crucial in determining whether the employee has been wrongfully terminated...
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Understanding minimum wage and overtime laws in the U.S.

Paychecks are the major motivation for most of the workforce in the U.S. Compensating employees for their good work is the least employers can do. Federal and state governments recognize...
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Lengthy lane closures are typical after head-on collisions

In the aftermath of violent crashes, investigators could require several hours to sort out what happened and arrange for the site to be cleared of the wreckage. This means that...
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An Overview of the Family and Medical Leave Act

The Family and Medical Leave Act (“Act”) was passed over two decades ago, and it is still relatively misunderstood. The purpose of the Act was to give workers the flexibility...
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Many head-on collisions happen when a driver crosses the line

Many highways here in Missouri and elsewhere do not have medians between the opposing lanes of travel. The only thing keeping drivers in their lanes is a line along the...
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Appellate court decision favors NFL in "Deflate-gate" case

What started as a silly dispute between one millionaire and another has evolved into a titanic struggle that pits union and labor rights against business interests. At the center of...
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Democrats adopt $15 minimum wage in party platform

The Democratic Party, due to the urging of Senator Sanders, has adopted a $15 minimum wage as a party platform. The party platform refers to the positions that the Democratic...
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House to debate bill regarding LGBT rights in the workplace

On July 12, 2016, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform plans to meet to discuss a potentially upcoming bill that would allow businesses, non-profits, governments and other entities...
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Many motorcycle accidents result in traumatic brain injuries

Motorcycle riders are in a precarious position on Missouri’s roadways since they do not have the same protections that occupants of passenger cars have, yet they can travel at high...
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Department of Labor implements new civil penalties

For years the civil penalties that government entities could levy on companies that violate their employees’ rights have been stagnant. Congress did not allow the agencies to peg the penalties...
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Gretchen Carlson of Fox News files harassment suit

This story illustrates that no matter how powerful or influential you may be, it is still possible for someone else to think they can assault or sexually harass you. Gretchen...
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Racial Discrimination in the Workplace by the Numbers

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (or “EEOC”) is charged with investigating and preventing instances of workplace discrimination. It is a wide mandate that covers a variety of discrimination types including:...
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Fires, deaths and injuries can result from rollover accidents

What happens to a vehicle and its occupants during a crash in which a vehicle flips is unpredictable. For example, some people survive rollover accidents with injuries that range from...
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Home care workers wage rights are protected by law

Home care workers, like certified nursing assistants, are among the most over-worked and under-paid professions in the United States. Many home care workers often work two or three days straight...
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Hit-and-run accidents are sometimes intentional

Most people do not use vehicles as weapons. Even so, some hit-and-run accidents are intentional. When authorities find the drivers involved in these types of crashes — whether they occur...
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