Notice - Implantable Port Catheter Litigation, MDL No. 3081

The above multi-district litigation consolidates lawsuits that have been filed throughout the country and allege similar claims. The Implantable Port Catheter Litigation has been consolidated in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona. The ultimate issues and outcomes of the litigation will be determined by the judge and/or juries with each party having the opportunity to present legal arguments and evidence in support or in defense of the claims.

For clarification, Power Port, Slim Port, and MRI Implantable Port each refer to several vascular access devices, and not one specific device. Any recall in March of 2021 involving the Power Port Duo MRI Implantable Port was a voluntary recall by the company. The recall pertained to a limited number of lots of the PowerPoint Duo MRI Implantable Port and was not a result of catheter degradation, fracture migration, or infection issues.

Holman Schiavone, LLC Blog​

We fight for victims’ full and fair recovery in employment law, harassment, sexual abuse and personal injury cases.

Muslim women often face discrimination when job hunting

People searching for a new job or hoping to advance their careers shouldn’t have to worry about unlawful discrimination from their employer or potential employers. Unfortunately, large portions of the population may face discrimination for characteristics that are protected under

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Stalking in a workplace context needs to be addressed

Stalking is most commonly associated with cases of domestic violence. That is to say that many people think that stalking only takes place outside of workplace environments, and that it occurs as a result of a romantic relationship. While stalking

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Is your child being bullied by a teacher?

Children go through many stages in early development and this requires them to form social relationships and learn many different skills at an incredible pace. This stage of development can lead to an environment where children bully other children or

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The risks for treatment of a hernia in Missouri

Hernias are common medical problems where organs or tissues are pushed through weak spots in muscles. While sometimes treatment for such instances are unnecessary, other times, hernias can cause pain and medical consequences. It is possible for patients with hernias

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Facts about age discrimination you may not know

Age discrimination is becoming more of an issue in the workplace as workers are reaching the age of retirement but remaining in the workforce. While the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) made it against the law for

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Were you unlawfully fired after becoming pregnant?

When you find out that you are pregnant, it can be a very exciting and joyful time for you and your partner. Your excitement should not be dimmed with worries about how your employer will react. With few exceptions, Missouri

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How to deal with discrimination as a server

We all have the right to feel safe and respected in the workplace. As a server, you are in the workplace to perform certain duties. At the same time, you have a right to be treated in a respectful manner,

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The antidote to workplace bullying in Missouri

When we think of the act of bullying, it is often something that we associate with children and schooling. While many grow out of bullying behavior as young children, there are some who continue to abuse the people around them

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Motorcyclists face injuries more serious than road rash

Motorcycles have just as much right to be on Missouri’s roadways as other passenger vehicles. The problem is that their riders are much more vulnerable to injury than those in...
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Disability versus workers' compensation

When a worker is injured on the job, there are several different types of financial support that may assist them. You can access disability benefits, Social Security disability insurance and...
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How can the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program help you?

The federal government has numerous programs to assist workers who lose their jobs due to foreign trade. One of the largest of these initiatives is the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program...
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Truck accident kills 2 women in northwest Missouri

Many drivers here and around the country might agree that sharing the streets and highways with 18-wheelers can be at least a bit intimidating. Few things are more intimidating than...
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OSHA expands retaliation protection for food workers

Earlier this month, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration released new rules that protect employees under the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act. There is always a tension between what you...
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Uber lawsuit settles

The “gig” economy is continually evolving. Government regulators, industry insiders and workers do not know what, if any, protections extend to “gig” workers. Are they entitled to a minimum wage? Are they...
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An Overview of ERISA Benefits

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 protects retirement funds for American workers. It is designed to ensure that your nest egg is around when you retire. It imposes...
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Driver in single car and rollover accidents could be unclear

Identifying the driver believed to be responsible for a crash is crucial for many reasons, the least of which is to ensure that the final report is correct. It is...
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You may be entitled to the Prevailing Wage

Most everyone is aware of the minimum wage but that is not the only minimum wage out there. There are different wages for a variety of jobs, including small employers...
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Rear-end collisions can lead to head-on collisions

It can be easy for Missouri drivers to become complacent behind the wheel, which could make them less attentive. If drivers are not paying adequate attention to the road and...
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An overview of the Americans with Disability Act

The Americans with Disability Act was a landmark law that granted protections for disabled Americans to access work, stores and many other activities that other people take for granted. Specifically...
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Reporting work injuries is shielded by whistleblower protections

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigate companies to ensure that they respect workers’ rights. Among those protections is the right to report injuries and work hazards. This is critical...
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Pharmacist and doctor errors with medications can be dangerous

Many Missouri residents rely on medications to control chronic conditions. If they contract another illness or suffer some other sort of injury, they might need a different medication to help...
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DOL adopts rules to bring transparency to unionizing

Gone are the days when company bosses would hire Pinkerton agents to bust up union meetings and demonstrations. Companies now engage “consultants” to speak with and advise workers regarding union...
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OSHA releases new rules to protect workers

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration released new rules to protect workers who are exposed to respirable silica. Silica is a fine dust that is breathed in and causes silicosis...
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Arrests after drunk driving accidents might not be enough

If a drunk driver gets behind the wheel of a car, everyone on the road is in danger. When drunk driving accidents in Missouri or elsewhere occur, the impaired drivers...
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Employers sued for discriminating based on sexual orientation

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (or “EEOC”) filed two lawsuits in the beginning of March. These two lawsuits allege employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Specifically, that these two...
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Filing a complaint with the Wage and Hour Division

The Wage and Hour Division (or “WDH”) administers several laws within the Department of Labor. If you have a wage and hour complaint, then you will likely file a complaint...
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Vehicle occupants risk being ejected in rollover accidents

When a vehicle flips, its occupants are often thrown around the cabin — even if they are wearing seat belts. Drivers and passengers alike are also at risk of being...
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Is your job exempt from overtime pay? Part 2

It would be easy to say that 90 percent of jobs do not fall under these exemptions. Unfortunately, this is not true. As discussed in a previous article, overtime is...
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