Each year, a number of Missouri residents are killed when they are thrown out of a vehicle during an accident. Rollover accidents most likely account for an appreciable percentage of these deaths. Recently, a 21-year-old passenger in a single-car crash suffered that tragic outcome. Five people occupied the vehicle in which he was a passenger. As the car headed south…
In Missouri, all too many employees know how unpleasant it can be to experience ill treatment at work. Sadly, it is something that happens every day to countless people throughout the state and, indeed, the rest of the U.S. as well. Unfair treatment at work can take many forms, but particularly common and unpleasant form is sexual harassment. Not only…
As many workers in Missouri know, when you have been a job for a long time, you can begin to feel quite attached to your position. You know your responsibilities well and there is a good chance that you may be more skilled at the job than newer employees, simply as a result of your experience. As such, you might…
Vehicle safety measures such as airbags and seat belts are installed to minimize or eliminate the injuries that drivers and passengers suffer in accidents. However, the unpredictability of certain types of collisions — such as rollover accidents — can render these safety measures useless. Some Missouri residents still suffer severe or deadly injuries despite a vehicle safeguards to prevent them.…
Driving under the influence is dangerous, but many people continue to do it with disastrous consequences. Drunk driving accidents leave victims with a variety of injuries — if they survive – and the healing process for some Missouri residents can be frightening, slow and frustrating. For example, after a recent accident, doctors told a 50-year-old woman and her family that…
Many workers in Missouri pick up a few extra shifts here and there to make sure that they are able to pay the bills. It can sometimes be extremely difficult to make ends meet, so those extra few dollars can really make a difference. But what happens when you are not paid for the work you do? All of a…
Everyone deserves fair treatment both in their daily lives and in their place of work. Sadly, as many employees in Missouri know, not everyone is granted the respect and fairness they deserve. In fact, in an alarming number of cases, workers are subjected to serious discrimination, mistreatment and abuse at work from their colleagues and even their employers. To make…
Many employees in Missouri know how distressing it can be to lose your job. Having to look for a new position while also dealing with lost wages and the sudden change of circumstances in the meantime can put a huge strain on you and your family. This can all be amplified if you were unfairly dismissed as you may also…
As most workers in Missouri are aware, you have a number of rights as an employee and you should be able to expect to have these respected. Sadly, all too many people throughout the state and indeed across the U.S. endure a breach of their employee rights every day at work. Some are underpaid, others suffer harassment or discrimination while…
At many Missouri intersections, only the cross traffic is required to stop. T-bone collisions occur for a variety of reasons at these intersections, but in most cases, a driver failed to obey a stop sign. Distracted driving, impairment and speed may be the most prevalent factors in these accidents, but none of these factors changes the fact that the drivers…